Resources and links

There is a lot of information available those interested in Australia's wildlife and native garden design.  As a beginning read our handy booklet, Gardens for Wildlife. 

Here are links to some useful websites and resources to find out more information and get some garden inspiration. we add to these when we find another interesting source of information:

Wildlife gardening:

Wildlife Gardening on social media

Many Gardening for Wildlife programs are on Facebook and Instagram. Gardens for Wildlife Victoria also have a public group page where you may share garden photos and stories.

Follow Moorabool Gardens for Wildlife on Facebook

How to keep pests out of your home from the RACV

link to useful less toxic pest control ideas

Local environmental programs:

Advice on responsible cat ownership:

Identifying the wildlife using your garden:

All wildlife






iNaturalist (record your insect and wildlife observations.  iNaturalist is available on computer and as a phone app. Upload your  photos of wildlife and get online assistance to identify them.  Contribute your sightings to Citizen Science projects and help us all learn more about our local surroundings.

GG_GFW_Moorabool 2023_WEB.pdf
Our Local Birds - central highlands region (1).pdf