Plants Behaving Badly
Some plants don't stay where they are planted. It is disappointing, but there are some plants that come from other countries that have adapted too well to our local environments and take over if they get out of our gardens.
Some like holly and ivy, produce berries that attract birds and foxes. The birds and other animals eat the berries and drop the seed in other gardens or in local bushland and forest. Some plants are better not planted in our gardens in the first place. They make extra work for us if we have to remove berries or cut off seed heads (agapanthus) to stop them spreading. Plants like agapanthus are attractive but do get into local bushland and are hard to remove.
Why are some plants regarded as environmental weeds?
are easily spread by seed, pieces or runners via birds, animals, soil, water or humans
grow easily, are highly competitive and exclude the local plants that are needed by wildlife for food
make it difficult to access some areas as the weeds form thick, prickly barriers
some form dense shade and exclude other plants from growing
some Australian native plants also become weeds when grown outside their home areas e.g Bluebell Creeper and Pittosporum
What can we do as gardeners?
choose what we plant in our gardens with care and ask if it is going to be invasive before we pruchase from a stall or nursery
have a look around our garden and plan to remove plants that are not native that have berries or are weedy (i.e. we a constantly pulling up seedlings)
remove weed seedlings when they are small and the soil is damp.
chat to our neighbours and encourage them to remove weedy plants and suggest replacements
pull out weedy garden plants if we see them in the local bushland
dispose of weeds carefully and don't put plants with berries in the green mulch pile at the transfer station.
learn more about weeds and how they spread and join a locla group to help with weed control
Here is a link to a brochure on some of the weeds found in Moorabool Shire
Plants to plan to remove
Holly (Ilex aquifolium)
Holly forms dense stands, excludes native plants and changes the environment where it grows. It is a large shrub /small tree and may grow to more than 3m high. It produces deep shade and likes to grow in mosit areas near waterways but will survive in drier areas. The attract red berries are spread widely mainly by Blackbirds, foxes and Currawongs. The leaves are dark green and very prickly.
It also forms a prickly impenetrable barrier especially when growing with blackberry in our forests. It favours areas in Wombat State Forest around Blackwood, Trentham, Bullarto with some patches also found in Mt Egerton bushland. These would all have come from plants grown in local gardens. Holly provides shelter for rabbits and foxes and reduces the area available for native plants that provived habitat for local wildlife.
Another plantwith berries that should be removed is Cherry Laurel (Prunus laurocerasus)
You may choose to plant rhododendrons, camellias & sasanquas instead or the native Rough Coprosma which has a small red fruit.
We are supporting Blackwood & Barry's Reef Landcare in their project to remove holly and other woody weeds to protect the ecological values and habitat of the Wombat State Forest. Here is link to the group's weed brochure
Photos below are of Holly (Ilex aquifolium) - the berries, a seedling and a mature large shrub.
Some other weedy plants we see in gardens and invading local bushland and forest
Blue Periwinkle
Spanish Heath
English Ivy
English Broom
Flax-leaf Broom
Cape Broom
Portugese Laurel
Cape Ivy
Cape Honeysuckle
Serrated Tussock
Himalyan Honeysuckle
Forget me not
English Daisy